Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weekly Thoughts, "He Taught Them as One Having Authority" (Feb 25-Mar 3)

Thoughts for this week:
  • Themes in the Sermon on the Mount
  • Take no thought for the morrow
  • God's will on earth and in heaven
  • How to judge
  • Worshiping for show
Themes in the Sermon on the Mount

Through the Sermon on the Mount Christ emphasizes putting God first, being genuine in our individual worship, and striving to follow God's will without recognition or praise. After putting God first (ch 6) then our interactions with others will naturally follow. We are not to see ourselves as being "above" or "better" than others.

My little sister recently competed in the Little Miss Lindon pageant. It's a competition for girls 10-13 that involves a service project, talent, interview, etc. and the top 5 contestants are the Little Miss Lindon Royalty for the next year, participating in all sorts of community events. My sister competed last year and was not selected for royalty, although she did get the Talent Award. This year, after substantial effort and preparation, she was selected as one of the royalty. It's a surprisingly intense competition and emotions run very high, both for the winners and the other participants. After the presentation all the parents and friends mobbed the stage giving their congratulations and hugging the participants. My sister, after giving me a big hug said, "I'll be right back, I have to go to the dressing room and make sure no one is in there crying alone." She then rushed off to bring comfort she could to whatever sad soul needed her help.

That was such an example to me of Christlike love and caring for others. 

Take no thought for the morrow

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (Matt 6:34)

I've read this passage a lot. I'll spare you the standard interpretation and just share a new little thought I had. 

Don't procrastinate.

Interesting huh? When I procrastinate I usually think "I'll do it tomorrow." I'm quite literally "taking thought for the morrow" when I push back things that I should do today.
What does Christ say? "You already have a lot to do tomorrow!" "for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself." And in one way He also says, "You're pretty full tomorrow anyways." "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." 

I know I know, it's not perhaps exactly what Christ meant with what He was teaching. But it's what I needed to hear. Put God first. Don't procrastinate.

God's will on earth and in heaven

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10)

It's implied that God's will is already perfectly executed in heaven. It's the earth, however, that struggles with God's will. As we follow the template given by Christ for how to pray we should first, remember that not everything that happens to us or around us on the earth is the will of God. Second, we should offer ourselves up as willing agents to enact God's will on earth inasmuch as it is possible. 

How to Judge

Christ instructs that we should judge as we wish to be judged. So I made a list of how I would want to be judged!
  • Given the benefit of the doubt
  • Being understood completely - maybe I was in the wrong. Chances are I was. But at least understand where I'm coming from
  • Judge the act, not the person - Condemn the sin, not the sinner
  • Love me - Even if I stand in need of correction, which I do, all the time, continue to show me you love me and truly want the best for me
Also, on judging, just because something isn't the way I would do it doesn't mean it's wrong. "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt 7:20). Judge by the fruits and let the actions speak for themselves. People will surprise you, let them!

Worshiping for Show

"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt 7: 22-23)

All of those things done by those professed followers of Christ were good things! There are prophets who prophesy and do wonderful miracles and are sincere followers of Christ! So what's the difference here? 

In this passage, those people represented are using their public displays of power as proof of their faith. A sincere follower of Christ would say something more like "Lord, in thy name I have prayed and in thy name I have served my neighbor. Lord, from thy words I have read and from thy promptings I have acted. Lord, to the poor have I given and to the lonely I was a friend." 

It's not the miracles we work in Christ's name that will prove us to Him. It's how we've changed and become like Him that will bring us to know Him.

Keep Pushing On

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