Friday, July 11, 2014

Strength Such As Is Not Known Among Men

How To: Become the Hulk. (Less painful and more effective than uncontrolled gamma radiation.)

And this is good, cause I'm kind of a smaller guy. No it's cool, I can admit it. ;)

I'm about 5'8" and I'm not exactly what you would call "ripped" or "stacked," but I've got some friends who are. They're like those super beefy guys that you look at and just think "Do you like live at the gym or something?" And they do.

(This post is the second part of a recent emphasis on finding more energy, motivation, and strength in our lives. The first part can be found here.)

Fortunately for me, I found a commandment and blessing that will put me ahead in the strength game! Unfortunately, it requires much more commitment than even the dedication of my friends at the gym.

"And at all times, and in all places, 
he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men."

Israel, Israel, God is Calling
While pondering the phrase phrase "at all times, and in all places" I was reminded of a talk given by Elder Holland at a CES fireside entitled Israel, Israel, God is Calling. It is one of my very favorite talks and I've watched it a number of times. In it he says "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in,” not just some of the time, in a few places, or when our team has a big lead."

The Kingdom of God does not have a big lead in the game of life right now. As far as the world goes we're pretty far behind. That's what we knew was gonna happen though. It was always prophesied that in the last days that the true followers of God would be few in number. In fact, we don't get the upper hand until the Second Coming.

So it won't be easy then. At all times, both day and night, and in all places to open your mouth and declare the Lord's gospel with the sound of a trump. ... Kinda sounds like a full-time missionary on steroids. I can see the future missionaries of the church in the MTC getting trained: "Alright here's your trumpet and your tracts, why don't you take that street corner over there and blow that thing day and night till you either get arrested or pass out. ... In the likely event you pass out take this chain to secure your trumpet to your person so you don't lose it when you keel over. Just start blowing again once you gain consciousness. We'll put this IV in your arm for all your dietary and hydration needs... The ONLY reason you can take your lips off that trumpet is to pray and to baptize..."

To Trumpet Or Not To Trumpet
Ok, but seriously, lets talk about this trumpet thing. In medieval ages the trumpet was used slightly differently than we use it today. Secularly it was used by trained servants to announce the beginning of something, usually the king was about to speak so everybody had to hush up. But in the Lord's kingdom they used trumpets a little differently. Guess who got the trumpets? Yeah, the priests. That's it. Isn't that cool to anyone else??

God has applied to the church universally, to you and I, something that was reserved for the priests of old. No longer will is the preaching of the gospel restricted to the elite few. But it's for all of us! I think that's pretty cool. It's also quite a responsibility though.

Now the word "trump" is actually a little different than "trumpet." Trumpet means the actual physical instrument used to make sound. Trump is the sound a trumpet makes. Did we all get that? So we're not actually carrying around a trumpet, we just have to make trumpet noises with our mouths. Haha now that would be funny. But that's not it either.

To explain "declaring the gospel with the voice of a trump" I'll use an analogy. Imagine you're playing hide-and-seak. One of the guys you're playing with has an air-horn. Everyone scatters to hide. Air-horn boy also hides, but lets off a loud blast on his air-horn every 5 seconds or so from where he's hiding. Who's gonna get found first? Uh, duh, the dude with the airhorn.

Now air-horns are loud and obnoxious. The gospel is not. Don't take this the wrong way, the gospel of Jesus Christ is certainly not to be hidden or suppressed. But it's a message of comfort and light. Not something to be thrown in other people's faces. As you proclaim the gospel it shouldn't be used as justification to put yourself above others or to judge them while throwing the gospel in their faces. We need to be sensitive and tactful about sharing the gospel. But again! Don't hide it. Which brings me to my next point.

How bout most of the time and at most places?
Nope. Fail. This scripture specifically states "at all times and in all places." We should be acting as representatives of Jesus Christ always. At school, at work, on Pinterest, in Snapchats, on Tinder, etc. How would you feel if it popped up on our notifications that Christ had started following your Pinterest boards, or that every snapchat you sent to anyone would also go to Him? Might make you rethink a few things wouldn't it? I know it'd sure make me more careful about how I represented Him on social media.

It's kind of disappointing to me when I see good people loosening their standards on social media. A number of times I've been talking about a girl to my mom or my siblings, a girl whom I've been really impressed with and would like to get to know better, and they ask to see a picture. I pull up Facebook and go to their profile and scroll through a few profile pics to show whomever I'm talking to about this awesome girl. But then I hit pictures that, how shall I say it, do not exactly "declare the gospel with the sound of a trump," more like they declare that this girl's standards are "flexible."

That's very disappointing. And slightly embarrassing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not frowning on personal expression or showing your personality. But both of those can be beautifully shown while still maintaining gospel standards.

Follow the Spirit
Much of the way we declare the gospel will be through example and through genuine kindness. But more often than not we avoid talking about the gospel to coworkers and friends. Just a few days ago I met a young man (about 28) who had gone from growing up atheist to being baptized into the LDS church when he was 25. It was because a friend, who had been his friend for years, finally opened his mouth and invited him to hear about the "Mormon church."

If you want more scriptures on "opening your mouths" just check out D&C 33. There's tons! Here's a favorite:

"Open your mouths and they shall be filled, and you shall become even as Nephi of old."

That's a pretty cool promise! I can't think of many people I'd like to emulate more than Nephi.

So, in short, just open your mouths. Give it a shot. Now onto the part where we get super ripped.

Strength such as is not known among men. Either that's a promise that I can become the calmer version of the Hulk, or there's something more than just physical strength at play here. But lets stay with physical strength for a little longer here cause physicality is such a BIG deal in the world in which we live!

We tend to define and categorize people based on physical attributes. I might say a girl's cute, or we might say she "has a sweet spirit." Isn't that twisted of us?! Our society has turned so much that the way in which we describe someone who is "undesirable" is that they have a "sweet spirit"?? That should be the greatest of compliments! Instead we use it almost confidentially, between friends, to say (in the nicest way possible) that someone is really unattractive/socially backward. I've been guilty of saying it too. But should we not turn that phrase around so that it truly is a compliment rather than a thinly veiled insult?

Also, while I'm getting things off my chest, I wish to speak of another person in my life. He is now in his early teen years. He's very tall and very large for his age. He gets a lot of flack from his peers for being “fat.” Lucky he's good-natured and manages to turn most situations into positive ones. But here's the thing. He runs several miles a day, bikes around 40 miles a week, actually eats very healthy, and he and I are participating in a triathlon this weekend (update, he beat my time in the triathlon). However, people continue to judge him. I can see the judgement when people look at him. I can hear in their heads "Oh, he needs to exercise." "Oh, he probably eats junk all the time." "Oh, he probably plays video games all day." It makes me seethe. He eats better and exercises more than most of those critics. We judge out of ignorance.

Whew. Glad that's over, now back to the scripture.

"And at all times, and in all places, 
he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men."

Allow me to share from my life two people who have exemplified opening their mouths and declaring the gospel with the sound of a trump both day and night, and have reaped the blessings of this scripture.

Sister Hall
I love to sing. I have had the special opportunity to be a part of the BYU Men's Chorus. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Sister Rosalind Hall, director of BYU Men's Chorus, is one of the most vibrant, energetic, invigorating, and motivated people I know. She also declares the gospel in everything she does.

Sister Hall had a favorite little lesson she liked to talk to the men of Men's Chorus about. She would tell us how she used to believe she only had so much energy to expend in one day. That she had to ration her energy expenditure because at a certain point she would "run out" of energy for the day and just be all lethargic for the remainder of the day. At some point, I can't remember exactly how this epiphany came to her, but she realized that this concept of "limited energy" was completely false. From that time forward she put 100% of her energy towards everything she did! I don't know many people that can keep up that kind of energy output!

She truly has been given "strength such as is not known among men," and I know why! She is constantly bearing her testimony through song and passion to the men of Men's Chorus. She constantly emphasises to the men the theme of Men's Chorus which is, in lattin, "Esse quam videri." "To be and not to seem." She absolutely lives her life in such a way in which she declares the gospel with the sound of a trump (or occasionally through the voices of 180 men). I look up to her as an example as one who has been granted amazing strength through her fulfillment of this divine call.

President Mecham
I served my mission in the Micronesian Islands, spending much of my time on the island of Pohnpei and a few months on the island of Guam. I learned the Pohnpeian language fluently which has been very useful as I am constantly running into Pohnpeian people in Utah. (That's a joke, though I have gone out of my way to meet a couple of them here). It was an amazing mission, everything from the people, to the climate, to the food. It will always be a second home to me there. I hope I'll be able to speak more about it as this blog progresses.

My mission president for the majority of my mission was President Mecham. I have never met anyone with more excitement and drive for missionary with than him. Right from day one he was inspired with a vision of what the mission could become someday and he worked toward that goal with more zeal and tenacity than I have ever seen, before or since.

His energy was electrifying! It motivated and drove the whole mission! And when the missionaries caught the fire he had then they passed it down into the members. Into every branch and every home. I know we don't usually talk about numbers, and I won't mention any specifics, but under President Mecham's direction the overall teaching and baptizing numbers doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled. It was like we just couldn't be stopped!

President Mecham was bestowed with a type of strength that I haven't found among men. The kind of righteous enthusiastic fire that spreads to all whom come in contact with it. It was humbling to be able to serve with him and watch his strength. And guess where he got it. Yep, from his strict obedience to the call to "at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night."

If you wish to have more strength, more confidence, more energy, the answer does not lie in self-help books or in attending motivational seminars (though they certainly may be helpful). The answer is simply to share the gospel. Do that through example, service, posting something uplifting online, standing up for what's right even when you might stand alone, simply being a representative of Christ in all situations. I know I've felt that warm rush of light wash through my body when I've took a stand, or served someone unexpectedly. It's not as hard or scary as you might think. :) Give it a try, lend a hand.

May you all find the strength that you need and the opportunities you deserve.

Keep pushing on.


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